Saturday, August 29, 2009
Back on track.
What a day this was. Madaline doesn’t put Holly down on the ground much – wait until Holly is 18 pounds. Madaline is going to need to break this mothering habit; Holly loves it. As with most of the outings, if Madaline is present, Holly gets carried: in one’s arms, in the shopping cart, in the vehicle, etc. Not so with Joseph – walk, walk, and more walking. Holly hasn’t realized, although overweight, Joseph is a walker; long walks, miles of continues walking. After Holly receives her required shots she’ll be attending some of the hiking programs too.
Back on track here – smells and sounds are the focus at this young age. Holly began the day as if she was going to show us how much she had been taught and remembered. To add to her knowledge base we started off with the recycle center – smells it had. Noises not much today. Madaline carried (that motherly issue again) Holly to the drop off. Then returned to the truck and waited while Joseph finished up the drop off processing. Sounds are something big to Holly. Where we live, when the air current is just right, you can hear the train that goes through town. When this has happened, Holly sits down and does that head tweaking thing as to listen a bit more intense and analyze the sound. Same goes with the kids on bicycles, kids playing in the school yard across the street, and noises from vehicles accelerating and braking at the corner of the street (three houses away). The Harley events are going to be a big test – Holly is not crazy about those Hogs that currently travel the street. Holly does the head thing when electronic equipment transmissions are audible. Blenders, vacuum cleaners, and power saws fail to bring around the excitement Holly usually has when new sounds are introduced.
It was a hot day here in Oxnard today. Holly is not one for heat – Unusually tired and always laying flat on her tummy when she could find a cool spot – except for one place. I hate to use a drive-through. Madaline convinced me to today. We were concluding the four hours of morning activities and heading home. Holly was hot, we had given her lots of water and "get busy" breaks at each stop, so a quick stop at a drive-through, saving us the need to get Holly out and outfit her with the coat would be much easier.
Things worked out for the better, my dislike for a drive-through was reinforced but since we had to park the vehicle and it was hot. We took advantage of the sprinklers that were running – Best enjoyment Holly had all morning. Those individuals that passed by comment on how Holly was enjoying herself. What a dream she is to dry off. Yes, we have a doggy bag with us with everything from A to Z in it just for Holly’s care.
The afternoon was filled with naps and routine playfulness after a brimming morning.
The afternoon was filled with naps and routine playfulness after a brimming morning.
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